Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"Old Glory" 236th Year

“Old Glory” 236th Year

This 4th of July, 2012 we celebrate our nation and its birth

236 years have passed since she first flew proudly on earth

Over a land and people called Americans she did become

originally united as 13 States flying as a flag for Freedom

Thru strife and struggles, men did fight not to just survive

A will and determination for inalienable rights to be alive

Nothing was easy in the many lives lost in this undertaking

They knew a new nation would be far better in the making

In the God loving caring hands of Betsy Ross she was sewn

as waves in red white and blue stars stripes she was shown

and thru all the years in wars on distant lands she has flown

None more painful than a war between States as it is known

A symbol for freedom many of other countries seek to find

Like the statue of Liberty in a welcoming to all of mankind

Many generations from foreign lands to America have come

raised their families living free in where they now call home

Fighting men have kept her waving though torn and tattered

in the many blood stained hands of lives lost and shattered

From Montezuma Okinawa to Vietnam in the heat of battle

brave men always kept her flying whether on foot or saddle

Many good men have fought and made the ultimate sacrifice

for every American to honor and know freedom has its price

This 4th of July once again she will wave in the wind of pride

as a proud nation we have nothing to be ashamed of or to hide

Under a President who would rather spend this day in France

another snub in the face of Americans among his many rants

not really surprising knowing his lack of respect for our flag

can’t put his hand over heart as if he likes to treat it like a rag

Disturbing to many true to the red white and blue in our nation

It’s just another thorn in the leftist side of his own humiliation

But what can we expect from a man who says we are 57 States

Although the benefits and freedoms outweigh what he berates

She represents all we hold dear in our Republic and Constitution

thru the many wrinkles and imperfections among our institutions

So I suggest to really honor the many events in telling her story

We all stand proud in our salutes to a flag we call “Old Glory”!

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